At present Library has, 32000+ books, 29900+ CDs, subscribes to 8620+ e-journals and magazines (both National and International), Book Bank (for SC/ST students), etc. Library provides eight PCs exclusively for browsing e-journals and e-Resources on various disciplines. Library is located in Annexe-2 Building of the college and occupies a carpet area of 755 sq.metres distributed in two floors. The Circulation Section, Newspaper Section, Stack Room, Librarian’s Office are located in ground floor. The Reference copies of books, SC/ST Book-Bank, Standards & Specifications, Bound volumes of journals, etc. are housed in first floor of the Library. Library has maintained a Reference Section where students can get text books or Reference books for study any time. One out every five copies of every title added to the Library are kept in Reference Section. At present there are more than 4,500 books in Reference Section of Library. Reference books are generally not lent out except on overnight basis. Library has also created a Book-Bank for the benefit of the SC/ST students and also a separate Book-Bank for merited students