All the current students and faculty members are eligible for the Membership of Library. A new member has to fill in “Application for college cum Library ID card” (Standard Form No.F-036) and submit the same to the Librarian. A temporary ID card is issued immediately and a regular ID card is issued after VTU allots USN to each student. Entry to the Library is strictly based on possession of ID cards.
I / II Semester B.E. students can borrow three books/journals and B.E. III to VIII Semester students can borrow four books/journals at a time from Library. M.B.A. and M.Tech Students can borrow six books/journals at a time. Undergraduate students who secure 75% or more marks in any semester examination can borrow one additional book from the Book-bank for the entire next semester. The loan period of various types of reading materials is as follows: - Books (Under Graduate & MBA, M.Tech. books) - 2 weeks - General Book-bank and Book-Bank for SC/ST students - Till end of the semester - Technical Journals, Magazines, - 2days - CDs and Floppy diskettes - 2 days - Question papers have to be browsed online from OPAC. - Books from Reference Section, current issues of journals and Project reports have to be consulted in library only. The books/journals issued from the Library have to be returned or before the Due date marked on each book/journal lent out. Books can be renewed for a period of two more weeks if there is no demand from other readers. A book can be renewed only once by a student. Reserved books should be collected within two days from the date of their arrival to the Library or else the same will be lent to the next claimants. The borrower should take adequate care to protect the documents from water, insects, etc. If a document is returned in damaged condition, then the same or a latest edition of the same has to be replaced by him/her. If a borrower is unable to replace the lost or damaged book, then double the current cost of the same will be recovered from the borrower. Tearing of pages, writing on books, journals/magazines, etc. by pencil or pen, damaging the CD or floppy even inadvertently, is strictly prohibited. If any one is found guilty, then he/she has to replace the damaged document by a new one within two days. Borrowers should check the books/journals at the time of borrowing and report to the Librarian if there are any pen/pencil marks, defects, etc. on them. If they fail to report to the Librarian about any such problem before borrowing the book/journal, then the borrower will be held responsible for any pen/pencil marks, defects, etc. reported at the time returning the same. If a reading material is returned after the Due date, for any reason, then the student has to pay Over Due Charges as mentioned below: First five days Re. 1/- per day per book/Journal/CD/Floppy, etc. After fifth day Rs. 5/- per day per book /Journal/CD/Floppy, etc. The loss of book, journal, CD, floppy, etc. should be reported to Librarian immediately. Non-eligible students can not borrow books from Library. They have to refer books in Library only.
Library is a common information resource for use by the students and members of faculty of both today and tommorrow. A large number of books are of foreign origin and hence expensive to buy. The cost of foreign books and technical journals has increased from five to ten times during last two decades. The cost escalation of books and journals is posing budgetory problems to buy new books. Therefore, users have to take adequate care while using books. Sub-lending of books and journals should be totally avoided. A List Guidelines for the proper use of documents are given below : Books should be handled with care. Leaving a book open on the table, or put its face down, or inserting a note-book or pencil in between the pages and closing it, should be avoided. Pages should not be folded to serve as book marks. Mutilation and disfiguring of pages of books or journals by ink or pencil marks should be avoided. Any defects found in the books or journals taken out for reading should be immediately brought to the notice of Library staff. Care should be taken to protect reading materials from water, dust, insects, etc.
The users of Library have to follow certain manners for common good.They are: Silence should be strictly maintained in Library. Group study and group discussions are not allowed. Books and other documents taken out of the shelves for study should be entered in a Register before taking for reference. The book should be handovered to Library Staff after reference for cancellation of entries made in the Register. Students are not allowed to keep books back to the shelves. This practice was introduced to avoid misplacement of books. Carrying or using mobile phones in Library is strictly prohibited.