What We Offer

The Central Library has the following service units.

Reference Service

Reference material like dictionaries, yearbooks, encyclopaedias, hand books and manuals are available in the reference section. The library staff will help to find information which is available in-house.

Online Reservation

Online reservation can be done through web OPAC for a book which is already lent out. Reserved books will be kept separately on the circulation counter for 2 days for each reserved member.

Institutional Repository

Faculty publications (Institutional repository) and other publications of the university are available online through the library OPAC.

Reprographic & Printing Service

Photocopying and printing facility is available at reasonable cost in the library. This service limited to library materials without violating the copy right law.

Plagiarism Checking

Instructors at GAT University have access to Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool. In addition to acting as a plagiarism deterrent by detecting unoriginal content in student papers, it also has features designed to aid in educating students about plagiarism and the importance of proper attribution of sources.

Off-Campus Access

Faculty and research scholars have facility of off-campus access to many databases and e-journals by using remote access server. To get username and password, please send your request to librarian@gat.ac.in.

Information Desk

Provides an expanded, integrated service point of the library. This service focuses on helping researchers locate specific journals, books, search databases and capture search results at their point of need, as a complement to the in¬depth research assistance available from the Reference Desk.

Document Delivery Services

Central library arranges photocopies of articles from journals, conference proceedings that are not available in its collection from different sources. This service is offered within the purview of copyright laws. To make a request please email to librarian@gat.ac.in


All books loan from the circulation desk can be renewed on condition that there is no one requesting for the same items. All loans subject to recall in accordance with library regulation. Borrowers are responsible for returning their loans on or before the specified due dates.

Library Awareness

As part of our user awareness program, the library regularly organizes orientation / Training programs on library resources and services. Members can meet the Librarian for discussions, if any, everyday between 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM at Central Library.

GAT Events (Image/Video) Archives

Library regularly records all events video, audio and newspaper clippings highlighting GAT Institution activities. Users can access archives on library website library.pes.edu.

News Paper Clippings

The Press Cutting Service plays a vital role like Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), Current Contents Service, Book Alert Service, etc.

Library Timings

Library remains closed on Sundays and VTU declared holidays.

Reference Section

Monday - Friday

8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
saturday 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM


Monday - Saturday

8:15 AM – 5:00 PM
saturday 9:15 AM – 1:15 PM


The book collection is classified as per Dewey Decimal Classification scheme and catalogued as per AACR II code for convenient arrangement and easy location by the users.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

Users can search and locate required books using OPAC. It displays Acc.No. title, author, edition number, name of the publisher, etc. on the screen. To know the current status of books the bibliographic details of books in Reference Section are shown in red colour, books on shelves are shown in green and borrows which are lent out are shown in yellow colour. Libsoft has designed a sophisticated search language using Boolean logic. Users can search and locate books and information on any subject using title terms, author name, publisher’s name, etc. or combination of any two or more of the same.


We are the Members of VTU Consortia. GAT Library provides IP based access to more than 8611 e-journals on various disciplines of engineering and management. E-Resources can be accessed throughout the campus. Library also has eight PCs exclusively devoted for browsing e-resources.

Other Facilities


A borrowed book if recalled by the Librarian has to be returned immediately


GAT has taken the Institutional membership for Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) Reprographic & Printing service Materials available in the Library can be Xeroxed or printed by paying nominal charges. Inter library loan service Books (not available with us) may be obtained from other libraries on request through DELNET Remote access to e-resources Users can access E-resources from outside the campus. Institutional Membership We have institutional membership with the following major libraries Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bangalore Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi National Digital Library

Library Orientation

Library orientation can be arranged on request by e-mailing to librarian@gat.ac.in

More Services

Ask a Librarian

Speak to a librarian or make an appointment for in-depth help. Call the Library’s Reference Desk

Interlibrary Loan (aka Document Delivery)

When you can't find what you need in GAT library, simply fill out theInterlibrary Loan online request form.

Retrieving Materials

Requests for journal articles generally take one to three days to fill, but may take up to two weeks. Books may take three weeks to arrive.

E Books

Fully downloadable pdf versions of book chapters and entire books from Springer. Tens of thousands of chapters and thousands of ebooks in Computer Science and related fields.

Email Now

A librarian will answer you within 24 hours during weekdays.

Institutional Membership

IISc - Bengaluru, IIM - Bengaluru, NLSIU - Bengaluru, ISEC - Bengaluru, DELNET - New Delhi, INFLIBNET - Ahmadabad